by Mr Heater

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Product Description
One bruise propane tank refill adapter with masculine soothing nose P.O.L. and womanlike 1"x20 throwaway cylinder thread refills 1 lb. bottles in one notation or less
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #188 in Lawn & Patio
- Size: Regular
- Brand: Mr Heater
- Model: F276172
- Released on: 2012-01-27
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 3.62" h x 3.75" w x 1.50" l, .25 pounds
- Canada restricted
- All coronet construction
- Easily refill one bruise bottles
- Soft nose POL
- Fits all one bruise tanks
- Refill one bruise bottles

Customer Reviews
Most useful patron reviews
227 of 227 people found a following examination helpful.
Used scrupulously it can be unequivocally useful and income saving...
By kandoro
For reserve concerns customarily use a source tank valve for on/off control...To fill any 1 lb. bottle some-more totally simply put those containers in a fridge or even a freezer for a few mins AND put a 20/40 lb. FULL tank in prohibited H2O and/or in a Sun...The pivotal here is to maximize a vigour in a source tank and minimize it in a receiving 1 lb. bottle permitting for some-more propane to send before a vigour equalizes...I've been stuffing these tiny bottles for years regulating this form coupler and while they competence not get 100% filled as when new they can strech 80-90% with rule when a above stairs are taken...Keep in mind NO Propane tank is totally filled anyway or during slightest it shouldn't be to concede for extreme feverishness enlargement when full..
Even if perplexing to refill in a frozen or subsequent sourroundings simply heating a 20/40 lb. bottle adult by withdrawal it in a exhilarated indoors for a few hours and/or in prohibited H2O will assistance tremendously to get some-more transferred...
When we get tanks refilled commercially a source has siphon assisted vigour so this always allows for a finish fill...
240 of 245 people found a following examination helpful.
Good yet customarily fills about 1/2 way
By Benjamin Herbst
I have had this or a identical product for several years now. we live in a mountains, and go camping a lot, and infrequently set adult camps and leave, going to work, backpacking, etc, and dont lapse until night or even a few days. we had dual tiny bulk containers, one for a propane lantern, and one for a tiny heater and both were stolen out of my sealed tent. Since a tiny refillable propane tanks (small bulk tanks cost some-more than a unchanging 5 gallon bulk tank) are expensive, we switched behind to a 16 oz form disposable type. we have messed with all opposite ways of refilling these babies, and here are my suggestions and results.
1. If we customarily stay once a year (or twice), customarily spend a $3 any on a integrate new 16 oz disposables and be finished with it. If we set adult "big sport form camps" we are substantially going to have a vast bulk tank or 2 anyway, with a propane tree on it or some identical setup for lanters, cooking, etc. or some-more than likely, have a trailer, and we substantially don't need recommendation from me anyway.
2. Though we can get a finish (and even a tiny over) fill by pulling a tiny "bicycle valve" crawl insurance valve while filling, these tanks are not unequivocally ment for that, and frequently adequate (one out of 4 tanks maybe, my knowledge ... maybe one out of each 6) this valve, once pulled out, will leak, and a tank and refill will be useless. Even yet a tanks are filled all a way, we do not suggest this due to a aloft commission of leakers.
3. we suggest following a instructions, that requires putting a bulk 5 gal. tank in a intent for a few hours (let it get good and warm), and a tiny 16 oz tanks in a freezer, regulating heat differential as a pump. Then, squeeze one tank from a freezer and insert to a refill device/bulk tank, make certain all is morally tight, and open a valve on a bulk tank (which is upside down - we customarily do it on a tailgate of my Toyota Tacoma). You can hear a propane going into a tiny tank, and when it seems like a not going to get any fuller - customarily around 45 seconds to a minute, close of a vast tank valve and unscrew a tiny one, and go and get another good cold one from a freezer (little propane tank, not beer). When we initial started refilling them, we weighed them to see how many propane we got in a tiny tank. When we was a newbee, and didn't know what we was doing, and didn't have enought heat difference, we wouldn't get frequency any glass propane in. Then we schooled a "pull out a bicycle valve trick" and found we could fill them even a tiny some-more full than new, by weight on a postal scale. Now and finally, we customarily put a vast tank in a sun, and a tiny ones in a freezer, and we don't import them anymore, yet my "picking them up" scale tells me that they are substantially somewhere about 1/2 full, or a tiny more. This is adequate for me, for customarily one singular layer lantern and one propane stove. Usually they don't trickle if we don't disaster with a overpressure insurance valve.
Lastly, a integrate things to keep in mind (principles of propane refill) - propane is always during a consistent pressure, during a certain temperature. As some of a gas escapes, or is burned, a vigour that would dump is refilled by propane gas that has expaned from some of a liquid. Therefore, if both tanks were equal in temperature, and we bending one to a other and non-stop a valve, (assuming a vast tank is upside down so a glass proane is comming out and not gas - if we refill with customarily gas, we competence get 30 seconds value of gas into a tiny tank, that is fundamentally zero and not what we are looking for) a smaller one would customarily get maybe 5% or 10% full, untill both tanks were underneath a same pressure. The intent is to get as many "liquid" propane in. The some-more heat differential, a some-more glass we will get in, since a vigour will be reduce in a cold tank. Of course, a bicycle valve pretence works good (wear gloves on your right hand, since a propane gas is cold when it comes out/evaporates, and no smoking). But, since they weren't done for that, seem to have a tough time seating themselves again, even when pushed in, etc. Now that I've been refilling these tiny babies for a few years, it seems so discerning and easy, and substantially saves a few bucks, and is improved for a sourroundings not throwing divided a decent tiny tank.
So, outline - approbation these work fine, yet expect customarily about 1/2 full (or rather more) tiny tanks.
Oh, and lastly about a no smoking criticism - we mount by that, yet propane gas is heavier than atmosphere (which is since we can't use propane appliances in your basement) and goes down when leaking. I've had a tiny leaking tank within 2' maybe of a fire that was aloft and screened, and it didn't catch, yet we was examination it closely, and threw a tank divided shortly thereafter. Try that with gasoline fumes, and we will find yourself in a vast blast of flames!
Sorry for a prolonged review, hopefully it will be kinda helpful.
136 of 138 people found a following examination helpful.
Works as good as production permits
By R. Boatman
EDIT: see criticism during finish per a elementary means to totally fill a tank.
I don't generally impugn other reviewers, yet we consider some of a reviewers here (one and dual stars) have gotten this confused with a opposite product. This device will not "freeze up" your grill, as it does not insert to your grill; and there is no "shut off" valve necessary, since your 20-lb tank already has a shutoff valve. we think those reviews are for an adapter to insert a 1-lb tank to an apparatus that routinely takes a incomparable tank (which we also have, looks rather identical to this, and costs about a same).
A unequivocally critical reserve consideration: tie a adapter to a vast tank with a wrench. When we are stealing a 1-lb tank after filling, we wish a tiny tank to detach from a adapter (so a tiny tank's valve closes) and not come off with a adapter still on it, in that box a propane inside a tiny tank is going to blast out. Wrench-tighten a adapter to a vast tank, hand-tighten a tiny tank to a adapter.
Rather than repeat other reviews of this elementary (and utterly overpriced for what it is, nonetheless it will indeed compensate for itself) device, I'll customarily give a few hints from experience. The method of what tank gets connected initial is utterly important, yet not so many for reserve as for operation. You will need to put your 1-pounder in a freezer; production students will note that a 50 or 60 grade F. dump in heat will emanate hardly adequate vigour differential to even start transferring propane form one tank to another, yet a tip is that pressurized propane is a glass so customarily a tiny opening gets a disproportionately vast transfer. But as we discovered...attach a Mr. Heater to a vast tank FIRST since if we insert it to a 1-lb bottle as we take it out of a freezer you'll hear a WHOSH! as atmosphere rushes in to fill a vacuum, and you're not gonna get any propane eliminated after that! (Cure: leave with Mr. Heater now trustworthy on opposite for several hours while a atmosphere inside warms behind up, mislay Mr. Heater, behind to freezer, equivocate foolish mistake subsequent time.)
With a outward heat around 70 F., we can customarily conduct about 1/3 full. Frankly, submerging tanks in prohibited and frozen salt H2O is too many bid for me and we think for many people too, and I'll gamble many people don't have a opening line to pull a opening first. In theory, if we pulled a opening on a 1-lb tank you'd breeze adult stuffing totally full and that would be officious dangerous, yet as a unsentimental matter a propane flashes off as it fills and eliminates a opening before it's totally full - I've seen people warning never to fill a tank 100% of a approach full yet indeed it's unfit to do unless they overrule a tank's vigour service valve (bad). But if removing 2/3-3/4 full takes an ice cream salt bath and a double boiler and a opening siphon while removing 1/3-1/2 full takes a brief cocktail in a freezer, I'll settle for refilling a tiny some-more often.
You'll also hear people contend it is bootleg to refill or ride refilled tanks. That's not true, during slightest on a sovereign level, where a limitation is on blurb ride for sale or use in support of commerce (and even then, what's bootleg is indeed a mis-labeling of a tank, not a refilling - 49 USC 5124 cites 49 USC 5104, that deals with dangerous tank labels). But that doesn't meant your state agrees, so there could be state or metropolitan contraints on transport.
EDIT: we detected an impossibly easy approach to fill a tank, with no salt ice, prohibited water, or magic. READ THIS COMPLETELY BEFORE YOU TRY. Do a cannister-in-the freezer thing and fill it a approaching one-third or so up. Don't put a vast tank in any prohibited water; don't put a tiny tank in ice H2O or an ice cream bucket; don't hang needles in a Troll doll. Just put a tiny tank behind into a freezer for a few some-more hours. Now, repeat a stuffing and we can refill a tiny tank as full as we want! Which brings me to an critical reserve disclaimer: while we know from production it is unfit to truly fill a tank 100.000% since of a evaporated gas inside, by vouchsafing a second fill continue until all send finished (no some-more hissing sound), a 1-lb tank was so full that we could not even hear any glass slooshing inside when jolt a tank. That's substantially DANGEROUSLY full, and we connected it immediately to my BBQ to run some of a propane behind out of it. So possibly do this delicately or don't do it during all, and mislay a tank BEFORE a send is finished (in my experiement with a representation distance of one, we could hear a send clearly negligence down before a hissing totally stopped).

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