Jodi Picoult (Author)

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Product Description
A life unresolved in a change . . . a family ripped apart. The #1 internationally bestselling author Jodi Picoult tells an memorable story about family secrets, love, and vouchsafing go.In a wild, when a wolf knows a time is over, when it knows it is of no some-more use to a pack, it competence infrequently select to trip away. Dying detached from a family, it stays unapproachable and loyal to a nature. Humans aren’t so lucky.
Luke Warren has spent his life researching wolves. He has created about them, complicated their habits intensively, and even lived with them for extended durations of time. In many ways, Luke understands wolf dynamics improved than those of his possess family. His wife, Georgie, has left him, finally giving adult on their waste marriage. His son, Edward, twenty-four, fled 6 years ago, withdrawal behind a cracked attribute with his father. Edward understands that some things can't be fixed, yet memories of his determined father still inflict pain. Then comes a raging phone call: Luke has been sincerely harmed in a automobile collision with Edward’s younger sister, Cara.
Suddenly all changes: Edward contingency lapse home to face a father he walked out on during age eighteen. He and Cara have to confirm their father’s predestine together. Though there’s no easy answer, questions abound: What secrets have Edward and his sister kept from any other? What dark motives surprise their need to let their father die . . . or to try to keep him alive? What would Luke himself want? How can any family member make such a preference in a face of guilt, pain, or both? And many importantly, to what border have they all lost what a wolf never forgets: that any member of a container needs a others, and that infrequently presence means sacrifice?
Another debate de force by Picoult, Lone Wolf brilliantly describes a inlet of a family: a love, protection, and strength it can offer—and a cost we competence have to compensate for those gifts. What happens when a wish that should means a family is a really thing ripping it apart?
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Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #27 in eBooks
- Published on: 2012-02-28
- Released on: 2012-02-28
- Format: Kindle eBook
- Number of items: 1
Editorial Reviews
“Nobody in blurb novella cranks a pages some-more effectively than Jodi Picoult.” --USA Today
“Compelling... fascinating... this page-turner will keep we wondering.” --People Magazine
"Impossible to put down." --Library Journal
About a Author
JODI PICOULT is a author of eighteen novels, including a #1 New York Times bestsellers House Rules, Handle With Care, Change of Heart, Nineteen Minutes, and My Sister’s Keeper. She lives in New Hampshire with her father and 3 children. Visit her website during
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
In retrospect, maybe we shouldn’t have liberated a tiger.
The others were easy enough: a lumbering, beholden span of elephants; a indignant capuchin gorilla that separate during my feet when we jimmied a lock; a snowy Arabian horses whose exhale hung in a space between us like unanswered questions. Nobody gives animals adequate credit, slightest of all playground trainers, nonetheless we knew a notation they saw me in a shadows outward their cages they would understand, that is since even a noisiest bunch—the parrots that had been bullied into roving on a absurd cumulus-cloud heads of poodles—beat their wings like a singular heart while creation their escape.
I was 9 years old, and Vladistav’s Amazing Tent of Wonders had come to Beresford, New Hampshire—which was a spectacle in a possess right, given zero ever came to Beresford, New Hampshire, solely for skiers who were lost, and reporters during presidential primaries who stopped off to get coffee during Ham’s General Store or to take a trickle during a Gas’n’Go. Almost any child we knew had attempted to fist by a holes in a proxy fencing that had been erected by a playground carnies so that we could watch a uncover though carrying to compensate for a ticket. And in fact that was how we initial saw a circus, stealing underneath a bleachers and peering by a feet of profitable business with my best friend, Louis.
The inside of a tent was embellished with stars. It seemed like something city people would do, since they hadn’t satisfied that if they usually took down a tent, they could see genuine stars instead. Me, I’d grown adult with a outdoors. You couldn’t live where we did—on a corner of a White Mountain National Forest—and not have spent your satisfactory share of nights camping and looking adult during a night sky. If we let your eyes adjust, it looked like a play of shine that had been incited over, like a perspective from inside a sleet globe. It done me feel contemptible for these playground folks, who had to improvise with stencils instead.
I will acknowledge that, during first, we couldn’t rip my eyes divided from a red sequined topcoat of a ringmaster and a unconstrained legs of a lady on a tightrope. When she did a separate in a atmosphere and landed with her legs veed around a wire, Louis let out a exhale he’d been holding. Lucky rope, he said.
Then they started to move out a animals. The horses were first, rolling their indignant eyes. Then a monkey, in a stupid bellman’s outfit, that climbed onto a saddle of a lead equine and revealed his teeth during a assembly as he rode around and around. The dogs that jumped by hoops, a elephants that danced as if they were in a opposite time zone, a rainbow trouble of birds.
Then came a tiger.
There was a lot of hype, of course. About how dangerous a savage he was, about how we shouldn’t try this during home. The trainer, who had a doughy, speckled face like a cinnamon roll, stood in a center of a ring as a induce on a tiger’s enclosure was lifted. The tiger roared and, even as distant divided as we was, we smelled his bouillon breath.
He leaped onto a steel mount and swiped during a air. He stood on his rear legs on command. He incited in a circle.
I knew a thing or dual about tigers. Like: If we shaved one, a skin would still be striped. And any tiger had a white symbol on a behind of any ear, so that it seemed like it was gripping an eye on we even when it was walking away.
Like: They belonged in a wild. Not here, in Beresford, while a throng shouted and clapped.
In that present dual things happened. First, we satisfied we didn’t many like a playground anymore. Second, a tiger stared right during me, as if he had searched out my chair series beforehand.
I knew accurately what he wanted me to do.
After a dusk show, a performers went down to a lake behind a facile propagandize to splash and play poker and swim. It meant that many of their trailers, parked behind a large top, were empty. There was a guard—an Everest of a male with a shaved conduct and a hoop ring trenchant his nose—but he was snoring to kick a band, with an dull bottle of vodka beside him. we slipped inside a fence.
Even in retrospect, we can’t tell we since we did it. It was something between that tiger and me; that trust that we was free, and he wasn’t. The fact that his unpredictable, tender life had been reduced to a sideshow during 3 and seven.
The trickiest enclosure to unlatch was a monkey’s. Most, though, we could open with an ice collect I’d stolen from my grandfather’s wine cabinet. we let out a animals quickly and quietly, examination them trip into a folds of a night. They seemed to know that option was in order; not even a parrots done a sound as they disappeared.
The final one we liberated was a tiger. we figured a other animals ought to have a good fifteen mins of lead time to get divided before we expelled a predator on their heels. So we crouched down in front of a enclosure and drew in a soothing mud with a pebble, imprinting time on my wristwatch. we was sitting there, waiting, when a Bearded Lady walked by.
She saw me right away. “Well, well,” she said, nonetheless we couldn’t see her mouth in a disaster of a whiskers. But she didn’t ask me what we was doing, and she didn’t tell me to leave. “Watch out,” she said. “He sprays.” She contingency have beheld a other animals were gone—I hadn’t worried to try to costume a open, dull cages and pens—but she usually stared during me for a prolonged moment, and afterwards walked adult a stairs to her trailer. we hold my breath, awaiting her to call a cops, nonetheless instead we listened a radio. Violins. When she sang along, she had a low baritone voice.
I will tell we that, even after all this time, we remember a sound of steel teeth oppressive opposite any other as we non-stop a tiger’s cage. How he burnished adult opposite me like a residence cat before leaping a blockade in a singular bound. How we could indeed ambience fear, like almond consume cake, when we satisfied we was firm to get caught.
Except . . . we didn’t. The Bearded Lady never told anyone about me, and a playground roadies who spotless adult elephant dung were blamed instead. Besides, a city was too bustling a subsequent morning restoring sequence and divining a lax animals. The elephants were found striking in a city fountain after knocking down a marble statue of Franklin Pierce. The gorilla had done a approach into a cake box during a internal caf? and was ravenous a chocolate dream silk torte when he was caught. The dogs were Dumpster diving behind a film theater, and a horses had scattered. One was found galloping down Main Street. One done a approach to a internal farmer’s pasture to graze with cattle. One trafficked over 10 miles to a ski hill, where it was speckled by a mishap helicopter. Of a 3 parrots, dual were henceforth lost, and one was found roosting in a belfry of a Shantuck Congregational Church.
The tiger, of course, was prolonged gone. And that presented a problem, since a radical parrot is one thing, nonetheless a lax carnivore is another. The National Guard was diluted into a White Mountain National Forest and for 3 days, schools in New Hampshire stayed closed. Louis came to my residence on his bike and told me rumors he’d heard: that a tiger had slaughtered Mr. Wolzman’s esteem heifer, a toddler, a principal.
I didn’t like to consider about a tiger eating anything during all. we graphic him sleeping high in a tree during a day; and during night, navigating by a stars.
Six days after we liberated a playground animals, a National Guardsman named Hopper McPhee, who had usually assimilated adult a week earlier, found a tiger. The large cat was swimming in a Ammonoosuc River, a face and paws still bloody from feeding on a deer. According to Hopper McPhee, a tiger came drifting during him with vigilant to kill, that is since he had to shoot.
I doubt that highly. The tiger was substantially half defunct after a dish like that, and positively not hungry. we do, however, trust that a tiger rushed Hopper McPhee. Because like we said, nobody gives animals adequate credit. And as shortly as that tiger saw a gun forked during him, he would have understood.
That he was going to have to give adult a night sky.
That he’d be detained again.
So, that tiger? He done a choice.
If we live among wolves we have to act like a wolf.
—Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet premier, quoted in Observer,
London, Sep 26, 1971
© 2012 Jodi Picoult
Customer Reviews
Most useful patron reviews
76 of 81 people found a following examination helpful.
Another Winner!
By Bibliophile By a Sea
Jodi Picoult, is an author famous for her novels traffic with formidable and argumentative issues, Her 19th novel, Lone Wolf, usually released. The story for a many partial takes place in Beresford, New Hampshire, and once again, it's a story that packs a punch.
When Cara Warren, age 17, calls her father, Luke to collect her adult after being out with friends who have had a bit too many to drink, father and daughter are concerned in a critical vehicle accident. Where Cara recovers from her injuries after surgery, her father is not so lucky. Luke has suffered a TMI (traumatic mind injury) and has usually a 10% possibility of recovery. He is being kept alive by life support -- a ventilator and feeding tube.
Luke is divorced from Cara's mom Georgie, and has been disloyal from their son Edward for a final 6 years. Edward, left home during age 18, after an occurrence involving his father Luke. He left a note for his mother, nonetheless never worried to pronounced goodbye to his father. When Edward receives a raging call from his mother, Georgie, informing him about his sister and father's accident, Edward takes a 24 hour moody home from Bangkok, Thailand where he has been vital and teaching.
With no authorised allege directives in place for Luke, a siblings find themselves during contingency over either or not to finish their father's life, and a authorised conflict ensues. To mystify matters, Edward locates a handwritten note of his fathers, giving him a management to make decisions for him if he were ever incompetent to make them for himself. Edward was usually 15 during a time that both parties sealed a note. It was sealed during a time when Luke, a male with a Zoology grade who desired a good outdoors, had motionless to leave his family to spend (2) years in a Canadian timberland vital among a wolves and study wolf migration. The same male who use to tell his children that if he could have selected to never correlate with humans again he would have. --- According to Luke, "animals don't defect as humans do."
----"A wolf container is like a Mafia, everybody has a position in it; everybody is approaching to lift it's possess weight."
----"My father taught me wolves can examination tension and illnesses a approach humans examination headlines."
The story is told in swapping chapters by a characters. Luke, Georgie, Cara, Edward, and Georgie's new father Joe, an attorney. All of a characters were developed, many were sympathetic, and any engaging and formidable in their possess way. Some of a characters have container and secrets, any has a story to tell. we enjoyed all of their stories however, in my opinion, it was with Luke's impression that a author outdid herself with some absolute characterization -- simply fantastic.
As we examination a chapters from Luke's POV, we was changed by all that we examination about a universe of wolves, and engaging dynamics between container behaviors, and tellurian behavior. Throughout a story Luke compares how wolves contra humans competence have reacted in a sold situation. It is apparent that Picoult did her task while researching a behaviors of wolves with experts in a field. Luke's childhood and juvenile adulthood, his life as a father and father, is ever-so-interesting, as is a in-depth comment about his life spent among a wolves. A male who many people suspicion of as a genius, while others suspicion of as insane. The essay in this area is riveting! we desired how a author was means to denote Luke's reduction than ideal parenting skills, nonetheless yet his complete adore for his children.
---"People insincere that a reason we walked divided from a container that day was since of a oppressive conditions had finally turn strenuous -- a weather, a cold, a nearby starvation, a consistent hazard of predators. But a genuine reason we came behind is many simpler. -- If we hadn't left during that moment, we know we would have stayed forever".
As we can substantially tell, we unequivocally desired Lone Wolf. It was during times both thought-provoking and emotional. Especially intense was examination what Georgie had to endure, as she witnessed her dual children battling over their father's fate. This page-turner should make for some sharp-witted book bar discussions. Highly Recommended.
46 of 50 people found a following examination helpful.
By amy feld
I like Jodi Picoult and embody some of her books among my favorites. Her final few books have been sentimentally predictable, nothing some-more so than LONE WOLF.
Luke Warren and his daughter 17-year-old Cara are in a automobile collision that leaves him on life support with no possibility of convalescent consciousness. Brother Edward earnings from overseas, carrying been absent for 7 years after a descending out with Luke. Told in a voices of Luke, Cara, Edward, and Georgie, Luke's ex and Cara and Edward's mother. Edward wants to mislay life support and present Luke's organs. Cara wants to keep her father alive, anticipating for a miracle.
Cara is one of a slightest sensitive characters Picoult has ever written. She's narcissistic, spiteful, sneaky, and immature. While we can know a teen wanting her father to recover, this juvenile lady mostly reads as a caricature. Edward is many some-more sensitive and picturesque as a 23-year-old male perplexing to do a right thing for his mom, dad, and sister, nonetheless infrequently creation matters worse by arrogance and miss of communication. we never got a feeling Cara was perplexing to do a right thing, it was all about Cara.
My favorite partial of a book was that Edward was a happy character, nonetheless that was usually one partial of who he was a same as if he had blue eyes or red hair. He didn't have a partner and wasn't dating during a 17 days a book took place. Picoult did a dictatorial pursuit creation him no opposite than any characters. we never suspicion of him as a happy character, since he was usually a impression who happened to be gay.
The sections combined in Luke's voice are fundamentally an story between wolf relations in packs and family relationships. Luke has lived with wolves on and off and roughly considers himself some-more wolf than human. His sections take divided from a upsurge of a book, and honestly mostly wearied me. If people are really meddlesome in wolves, they would substantially like these sections more, nonetheless many of what Luke (in a coma) wrote wearied me.
I approaching more. I'm not contemptible we examination a book, nonetheless in a destiny we competence usually wait until we can get her subsequent book from a library. There's no need to rush out and buy a book, we can wait for a paperback or library and save some money.
109 of 126 people found a following examination helpful.
More "Bull" Than Wolf
By Cornelia N. Hutt
Unflattering as a story of Little Red Riding Hood is to wolves, no receptive adult believes that a wolf could eat Granny and afterwards stand into bed wearing her nightgown. But readers trust Jodi Picoult since many, like me, have been tender with a author's prudent and downright investigate into a theme matter on that a plots of her other novels are based. This courtesy to fact creates a stories convincing and a outcomes believable.
Thus, we am dubious during a grade of oversight and a volume of absurd misinformation about wolves in Lone Wolf. The editorial examination above references "Picoult's considerable investigate into wolf biology, hierarchy and container mentality." Wrong. Picoult didn't do her task scrupulously this time, and her repute for removing a contribution in sequence usually plummeted into a abyss.
As a wolf teacher and author of wolf curricula for teachers and non-formal educators, we am honestly murderous by a perfect nonsense in a "Luke" segments of a book. In an bid to debunk a misconceptions about a wolf as "the savage of rubbish and desolation," Picoult has combined an equally unscientific, false and eventually damaging description of wolves and of wolf packs. Why did she not go to a books and articles by a eminent researchers and scientists like L. David Mech, owner of a International Wolf Center - a male who has spent over 50 years study wolves and pity his trust with a ubiquitous public? What about a other science-based wolf preparation organizations that have web sites congested with plain information about a biology and ecology of wolves? They embody a Wolf Conservation Center, a California Wolf Center and a Red Wolf Coalition.
As for a tellurian vital with a furious wolf pack, that is a things of ancient fable and of a groundless braggadocio by a few self-promoting people who consider that a tellurian can "become" a furious quadruped and who disrepute animals by ascribing to them tellurian characteristics. Anyone who believes a chairman claiming to have been supposed as a member of furious wolf container is genuine in a extreme.
Picoult should have delicately checked a certification of her information source. Because she didn't do that, wolf educators' jobs have been done that many harder, and a "real" wolf has once again been subjected to ridiculous - and comfortless - misrepresentation. Shame on Jodi Picoult.
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