~ The Black Keys

Release Date: December 6, 2011
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Product Description
Reviewing The Black Keys 2010 Top Ten breakthrough manuscript Brothers, Rolling Stone called a twin a two-man combo with a big-band mind. That outline seems officious auspicious now. With a hard-rocking El Camino, The Black Keys fourth Nonesuch disc, guitarist-singer Dan Auerbach and drummer Patrick Carney conjure adult an exhilarating, stadium-sized sound in partnership with writer and crony Danger Mouse. El Camino boasts a no-nonsense brilliance: The gait is fast, a mood is upbeat, a choruses unfailingly addictive finished for cheering along, preferably in a large, sweaty crowd.
A rope already during a tip of a diversion has gotten even better. And The Black Keys have finished flattering damn good so distant this year, with 3 2011 Grammy awards for Brothers underneath their belt, an MTV Video Music Award for Tighten Up, some-more than 850,000 copies of Brothers sole in a U.S., and upwards of a million units worldwide, and countless chartering placements in film, TV, and commercials. El Camino facilities one stand-out lane after another, such as initial singular Lonely Boy, Gold on a Ceiling, and a surprising, acoustic-guitar-driven, tempo-shifting Little Black Submarines. .
This record is some-more true forward stone and hurl raw, driving, and behind to basics, says Auerbach. As Carney has put it, The Black Keys honour a past while being in a present, and that regulation has finished them sound like zero reduction than a destiny of stone and roll. While a mostly self-produced Brothers, available during a famed Muscle Shoals Studio in Alabama, had a some-more essence and blues-oriented sound, El Camino mostly recalls a blitzkrieg-paced British-style stone of a 1960s and 70s, post-Beatles and pre-punk: artists like T-Rex, The Sweet, and Gary Glitter, along with a heavier pitch of such bands as Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath.
The references are there, though a sound is unequivocally most contemporary and definitely their own, equally sensitive by The Black Keys passion for hip bound and R&B and bolstered by a windy prolongation proceed of Danger Mouse (a.k.a. Brian Burton), who was behind a play for 2008 s Attack & Release and collaborated with them on a musty Tighten Up for Brothers. As Auerbach notes, "Brian understands all a opposite kinds of strain we're into. He's got unequivocally good ideas about tune and strain structure. For him it's all about a song." Also rejoining them is consistently innovative blending operative Tchad Blake, who Auerbach calls a talent with audio, a finish wizard.
El Camino arrives only in time to offer as a ideal holiday present for The Black Keys fast flourishing fan base. It came together fast in an unobstructed detonate of creativity by a hard-charging pair. They available these 11 marks between debate dates for Brothers during Auerbach s new Easy Eye Studio in Nashville, where he and Carney have now relocated after years of operative in their local Akron, Ohio. The twin skeleton to embark on a 6 week European Tour during a start of a New Year, with U.S. dates to follow shortly afterward including several arenas.
In a time of tellurian austerity, The Black Keys work simply and efficiently, with a smallest of collection and a resources of ideas, to furnish a richest, fattest, coolest strain around. Upon a recover of Brothers final year, Britain s Uncut repository called them one of a best stone n hurl bands on a planet, and El Camino, confirms that.
Track Listing
- Lonely Boy (3:13)
- Dead and Gone (3:41)
- Gold on a Ceiling (3:44)
- Little Black Submarines (4:11)
- Money Maker (2:57)
- Run Right Back (3:17)
- Sister (3:25)
- Hell of a Season (3:45)
- Stop Stop (3:30)
- Nova Baby (3:27)
- Mind Eraser (3:15)
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #17 in Music
- Released on: 2011-12-06
- Number of discs: 1
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: .18 pounds

Customer Reviews
Most useful patron reviews
17 of 18 people found a following examination helpful.
A crossroads for a keys
By classical stone fan
Their are fast branch into dual forms of keys fans,Pre and post risk rodent fans, are we a thickfreakness/rubberfactory or conflict and release/brothers fan. This new manuscript El camino cements risk mouses change with high prolongation and backup singers etc. This is not in any approach a bad record,it has good energy,power and a keys have never sounded tighter as distant as personification and vocals.
You only have to ask yourself, how light do we wish your black keys ?
If we came in with a risk rodent annals you'll have no problems,if your a fan of a strange sound of a black keys i advise we do some pre listening before we buy this album. Once again we state this is in no approach a bad album,its fantastic,but how we like your keys is gonna establish how many we puncture this record.
33 of 39 people found a following examination helpful.
Old sound, New sound, meh.
By DanDevNull
I contingency be a weird of inlet given I've been following a Keys for years and I've enjoyed each manuscript though exception. People who call themselves purists and are blank a "old" sound are only confused about what creates these guys so great. Ever building and stretching what's possible. Each manuscript is it's possess life, don't decider one manuscript by another. That's like a primogenitor judging one child by another; only wrong. If we wish a garland of "thickfreakness" or "rubber factory" afterwards we shouldn't have ever bought another keys manuscript after those ones. Plain and simple. This manuscript is as plain as any other, take it for what it is; not for what it isn't.
93 of 119 people found a following examination helpful.
Sure to be a hit, only not for me.
By Johnny Trouble
Just to preface, I've been a large believer of The Black Keys for scarcely 10 years. we religiously buy all their albums and have seen them play on each debate given 'Thickfreakness'. My favorites are their comparison albums but, with that said, we know each artist has to grow and develop their sound rather lest it turn stale. we have no problem with that. In fact, we unequivocally favourite a instruction that their final disc, 'Brothers', seemed to be headed in: in further to their brave blues, they were incorporating essence and R&B. we was unequivocally vehement to get this manuscript and have given it several listens and a few days to unequivocally penetrate in. In lieu of a essence and dirty blues, they've transposed it with cocktail and overproduction. It only seems unequivocally repeated and would substantially be good as credentials song during a party. It's not bad and acts as a good, protected charity to people who aren't informed with The Black Keys, though it sounds like they're personification it protected here. In light of a rubbish that a song attention is perplexing to guaranty off on us, this front has many all else kick nowadays. But compared with a rest of their catalog, we consider this is a Keys weakest charity and will expected get a slightest airplay on my stereo.

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